Walsoken Parish Council is the first tier of local government. Services are provided in Walsoken by The Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk and by Norfolk County Council alongside a range of other providers.
UK Power Networks
What do do in the event of a power cut:
See UK Power’s “What to do in the event of a Power Cut?” leaflet
Visit UK Power Networks Web Site
King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council
If you want to report Fly Tipping, Litter Problems, Street Sweeping, Graffiti etc. please call: 0500 253 2687 or email:
If you want to report:
Abandoned Cars: 01553 616335
Bulky Item Collection: 01553 776676
Dog Waste Bins / Fouling: 01553 616200
Fly-Tipping / Litter Problems: 0500 253 2687
Graffiti: 0500 253 2687
Street Lighting: 0845 6018269
Street Name Plates: 0500 253 2687
Street Sweeping: 0500 253 2687
Refuse Problems: 01553 776676
Street Furniture: 0500 0253 2687
or email:
Accident and Emergency Services
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4ET
Call: 01553 613613 or visit:
New Number Launched to Report Flooding in Norfolk
A new single point of contact for flooding in Norfolk has been launched, allowing residents to report any sort of flooding quickly and efficiently.
In the event of flooding, residents can call 0344 800 8013 to report it.
Alternatively, residents can continue to report flooding online via
Where there is a potential risk to life from flooding people should still call 999 immediately.
Norfolk County Council
Norfolk County Council provides services for Walpole Cross Keys Parish
Visit Norfolk County Council Website
The latest Scams and News from Norfolk County Council Trading Standards - available here:
Non-Emergencies: 101
Emergencies: 999
Crimestoppers: 0800 555111
To report something, see:
West Norfolk Visitors Information
Visit West Norfolk | The official tourism website for West Norfolk
​King’s Lynn & West Norfolk Borough Council
Should you notice any kind of highways defect such as potholes, sign damage etc please report this to Norfolk County Council using their Report a Problem page
For all planning-related enquiries and concerns the first point-of-call should always be the relevant local authority. In Walsoken, for Norfolk-based applications, this will be the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk.
Please click the following link to access the BCKLWN’s planning information.
Due to the village straddling county boundaries, some Cambridgeshire applications may be of relevance or concern to Walsoken Parish residents. The CCC planning information is available here:
Generally, Walsoken Parish Council does not discuss planning applications or their progress in detail at scheduled meetings. However, every publicised meeting allows for attendance and comment by members of the public. Please contact our Clerk for more information or if you would like to raise a matter in person.
To report fly-tipping incidents please go to the web site of the Borough Council of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk. Scroll down to “Report fly tipping” and click on this to give the information. Alternatively phone the switchboard – 01553 61620
Neighbourhood Nuisance
Go to the Borough of King’s Lynn & West Norfolk website.
Scroll down to “People and Communities” then click of “Report nuisance”
Alternatively phone the switchboard – 01553 616200