All Saints Walsoken
Church of England - Diocese of Ely​
Walsoken church lies amongst orchards. It is an ancient place named from the sea wall built by the Romans. Most of Walsoken has been taken into Cambridgeshire from Norfolk, although Norfolk has kept the parish church. All Saints Church in Walsoken is one of the finest churches in East Anglia. It is crowned by a splendid medieval tower with four turrets and a spire. The massive Norman arcades are rich with zig-zag mouldings The Chancel rests on banded magnificently carved shafts.
"Placing the Church at the Centre of the Community"
All Saints Church is situated in the heart of the village of Walsoken, approximately one mile north east of Wisbech. It is an ancient Norman church building and Christian worship has been conducted on this site for over 850 years. Click here to learn more about the church building.
Our Worshipping Community is made up mainly of people from the village and local area. We warmly welcome anyone who wishes to join us and worship alongside us. Our aim is to faithfully serve God and serve one another, as well as the people of Walsoken.
What we offer
Bible based Preaching and Teaching
Christian Fellowship
Meaningful Worship
Bible Study and House Groups
Spiritual Guidance
Pastoral Care
History (through the church architecture)
All Saints' Church & Rectory, Church Road, Walsoken, Wisbech, PE13 3RA